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Client Portal Screenshot.jpg

The image above shows what my Client Portal looks like. This is a secure space you need to log into where you can complete a number of tasks, described below:


1. MESSAGES: Send and receive secure, encrypted messages with me.  (Please do not use email or text messages for anything other than scheduling appointments and logistics).

2. FORMS: Complete, sign & submit, and view/download forms I ask you to complete, including your intake forms.

3. INVOICES: View or download past invoices. You can also view and download a Superbill for any of your past sessions, which is a special invoice that includes a diagnosis and information needed to submit for out of network insurance benefits or to document Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA) charges.

4. SIGNATURE REQUESTS: I will sometimes ask you to sign documents such as your Treatment Plan.

5. SHARED DOCUMENTS: I may share a document with you for suggested reading or review.

6. APPOINTMENTS:  See your list of Past Appointments we've had.

7. PACKAGES: Not currently used by me.

8. CREDIT CARDS: Add or delete your credit cards on file. You can also set one card as "preferred" if there are multiple cards you want to keep on file but want me to use a specific one for a period of time.

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